Eye care tips Mas Sehat | Blog Tentang Kesehatan | Mas Sehat ~ Blog Tentang Kesehatan | www.mas-sehat.com

Eye care tips

The eyes are very soft. 12 muscles operate around the eyes. Even if one of these causes damage, This makes the eyes look heavy and will soon get tired. The vision is also fading. Painstaking, embroidery, ashtoponia is a disturbance. Watching TV, cinematic eyes will get tired. Pain in the eyes. The thicknesses will be heavy. Headache also comes.

And the continuation of the eye will be blurred. Waking up at night for a long time will also cause eye damage.
Some eye symptoms appear in the eye of the eye and the membrane, the inner edge of the eye lids. Eye redness, drops like eye falling, laceration blotting, eye catching, and water drops. For some, the eyes are always red. People who are alcohol can usually extend the blood vessels.

Similarly, the blood vessels in the white jaw of the eye will expand and appear red. If the amount of alcohol in the blood decreases, the eyes turn to white. Some people who are not alcohol can have a reddish-brown eyes. We can do this by wearing a cool bowl. If you have a reddened eye, you may have a sore throat or eye pressure. People with such a problem should approach the doctor immediately and take treatment.

It is possible that the eyes become red when the jaw virus in the white, bacterial infections, allergy and the drying of the eyes, allergies caused by chemical substances and dusting. Therefore, if you have a small problem, you should consult your doctor and get advice. It is wrong to self-employ. Going without a glass on the two-wheel drive, watching a computer screen, causing eye and tension and water in the eye.

There are two types. Eye rash, soreness, bruising and depression can occur. Another reason is Epiphore. Tears in the eye of the tarpaulin are visible in the eye. In case of such problems, you should approach an eye doctor and get treatment. Eye physician Dr Selvaragham says that the immediate treatment can be avoided, including vision loss.

Safety Method: An eye examination at specific intervals can be detected and corrected early in life. Those with chronic sugar and hypertension are required to keep the disease in control. It is also important to know the symptoms of eye infections. Sudden blindness, obscure sight, lights in the eyes, and appearance of black spots may be a result of osteoarthritis or brain damage.

The glass can be used to protect the eyes from the sun's fibers of the sun. Vitamin A should eat foods like AH and beta carotene rich carrots. You can adjust the visibility by wearing the right glasses. Avoid reading less in light. If you water the eye, do not bother your eyes. You can give warm clock for 10 minutes with your eyes closed.

Those with a red eyes may be able to soak the cloth in aquatic water. Wash hands frequently in case of eye disease. Use it individually for everyone at home. Avoid using eye accessories. Change the pillow daily. Having such practices can reduce the effects of eye disease.


Take a mixture of 50 grams of nitrogen mixture. Make a small piece of cinnamon powder. Take a teaspoon of small onions, a tooth for five tooth and fermented. Leave the oil in a pan and add the mustard, rhizomes, curry leaves, and sauces. Add garlic, small onion and cumin. Then add a little bit of nutmeg and then add alcohol and boil for 5 minutes. Add salt and coriander leaves.

Mixed bread Juice: half a cup of apple, half a cup of bananas, half a cup of black grapes, half cup of melon. Beat the fruit in a mask. Pour mash again and then add milk and juice. This mixed bread juice contains enough vitamin A.

Peel the dough: Cut the chicken powder into flour grinder. Place the chopped nuts and black grams for one hour. Pull the lake ocean. Take the cumin, anise, safflower, curry leaves, and coriander leaves. Grind the pulse of the soiled pulses. Include the powder and cinnamon powder and mix it with the cooked pumpkin and add it to the dried season. Add the desired amount of salt. You need to shoot the oil on the toes. Add less of oil.


Usually the eye problem is more likely to have the body temperature, the headache, the single headache, the infection, the older ones, the more likely to have surgery in the eye. They should avoid dust and smoke. Avoid high brightness, more darkness. People with long-term problems can use drops as a doctor's advice. Vitamin A is also likely to heal quickly by taking a lot of nutrients during an eye attack.

Vitamin A is available in all kinds of green leafy vegetables, bananas, mangoes, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, fish pills and fruit varieties. Everyday must be spinach in the diet. Have three types of juice a day. It is necessary to drink seven liters of water. Avoid fat foods.

Avoiding fried foods in mushroom and oil are good. Walking is necessary everyday for half an hour. The amount of vegetables in the diet should be greater than the size of the rice. Tea, let's eat milk instead of coffee. Food consultant Sangeetha says that if you follow this diet, eye diseases will be immediately cured.

Grandma's Remedies

Those who have a water dilute problem should be taken in equal amounts of ginger, ginger, pepper and jaggery and gil to 15 g.

Oatmeal and odor, heal and eye erosion will be healed if the hindu is tied together and put on the eyes.

Garlic, cumin, ginger, each of the grams to 5 grams. You can find a solution to the water discharge.

Due to the body heat, the problem for the eyes will be reduced by eating garlic and salt together with a salad of fenugreek seeds.

If you mix the dough with the filling of the bowl leaves, the eye will be clear.

Eating a spatula every night can prevent the infection in the eye.

Let's spin your lips in half a vat and heal the odor.

Eye diseases can be healed if the drumstick is not put on the eyes and put on the eyes.

If you put the henna on the grind and put it on the eyes, the water will stand in the eyes.
Thanks for watching this video about Eye care tips in this blog Translated to English, created by author Mr.Babu

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