15 Home remedies for the treatment of liver disease Mas Sehat | Blog Tentang Kesehatan | Mas Sehat ~ Blog Tentang Kesehatan | www.mas-sehat.com

15 Home remedies for the treatment of liver disease

15 Household remedies for the treatment of liver disease

Our liver plays an important role in the metabolism of sugars, fats, and iron. This organ reduces the fat in the body by producing the urtus. Liver also helps in the production of protein and blood clots. Symptoms of liver disease include fatigue, weakness, weight loss, nausea, vomiting and jaundice. If more than 75% of tissues of the liver are damaged, then it affects the functioning of the liver.

The liver can easily regenerate its damaged cells. If more than 75% of liver cells are destroyed then they are unable to meet the needs of the body. Liver diseases can be treated by some home remedies and medicines. However, in the event of liver failure, you may have to resort to liver transplant.

1 apple vinegar:
 Apple vinegar exits the toxic substances present in the liver. Before applying the apple vinegar, it reduces the fat of the body. Mix one teaspoon apple vinegar in a glass of water. Now mix one spoonful honey in this mixture. So drink this mixture three times a day.

2 Milk Thistle:

Milk Thistle This herb is useful for many diseases of liver disease. According to some evidence, this herb helps to remove viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, mushrooms and toxicity of chemicals from the body. Take this herb in the amount of 900 mg twice before meals twice a day.

3 root of Kukorunda tea:

The root of the Kukorunda root, you will find the root of Kukorunda root in the market very easily. Eating tea made from this powder improves the functioning of the liver. To get more profit, drink this tea twice a day. If you wish, by boiling the root in water, you can drink and drink water.

4 Childrens:
This is a great solution for people with obesity. In Ayurvedic medicines, Muthri is used for the treatment of liver diseases. Make a root powder of Muthooti! Now put this powder in boiling water. Let it stay for a few minutes and filter after cooling. Drink this tea flavored water once or twice a day.

5 staff:
 This is one of the most enduring sources of vitamin C and its consumption maintains the efficiency of the liver. Studies have proven that elements in the liver have protecting the liver. For the health of the liver, you should eat 4 to 5 raw meals a day.

6 turmeric:
 Turmeric acts as an antioxidant drug and antiseptic properties present in it help a lot to improve the health of the liver. Prolonged healing of turmeric helps prevent hepatitis B and C virus from growing. Use turmeric in your recipes. Drink half a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of milk before sleeping at night. Mix one spoonful of turmeric in a spoonful of honey every day.

7 Papaya:
 Mix two teaspoons of lemon juice and drink it in two teaspoons of papaya juice every day. Use this mixture for three to four weeks to get rid of this disease completely.

8 linseed seed:
 The liver removes the unwanted hormones present in the blood and is the cause of stress of the liver. Pithoconstituent in the seeds of linseed inhibits the growth of unwanted hormones in the blood, and thus reduces the stress of the liver.

9 spinach and carrot juice:
 This home remedy is very beneficial in the treatment of liver cirrhosis. Mix half glass of carrot juice in half glass spinach juice. Now drink this natural juice daily.

10 Rookie and Walnuts:
 If you want to protect your liver from the attack of diseases, then include ruchira and nut in your diet. Glutene, present in the Ruchira and the nut, exits the toxins accumulated in the liver.

11 Stay away from alcohol:
 If you want to keep your liver healthy then stay away from alcohol. Drinking alcohol can spoil your liver.

12 apples and green vegetables:
 Green vegetables increase the flow of bile and the pectin present in the apples exits the toxic substances located in the digestive tract. In this way, both of these protect the liver.

13 Make:
 By regular exercise, the person's digestive system works properly and also helps in weight loss. Exercise comes sweating, and through the skin, the toxic substances get out of the body.

14 Drink more water:
 Water exits the toxins present in the body, so Rajana drinks plenty of water. Drink 10-12 glasses of water per day to get rid of your liver healthy and toxic substances.

15 green tea:
 This is a great remedy for liver diseases. Green tea contains high amounts of caricina, which helps in the functioning of the liver. Drink 3-4 cups of green tea every day to keep your liver safe.
Thanks for watching this video about 15 Home remedies for the treatment of liver disease in this blog Translated to English, created by author Mr.Babu

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